Current Interests

Web Scraping

I consider web scraping, one of the essential tools in the path of data science. This process of collecting information is the most critical as there’s no data science if you don’t have any data to run regressions on. Learning how to scrape data yourself gives you a fine grained control over other methods of information retrieval such as Google. In the process I’m also learning how to develop a data pipeline to sustain the crawler which triggers itself and database operations to curate the data.

Data Visualization

I have been amazed by how people are able to beautiful graphs and maps to visualize data. I’m sure you’d have seen one so far, for example The US Map Area for Covid-19 status updates ( Getting into the technological side, one of the most standard and efficient library out there is “D3”. I have been learning it for the past 3 months and getting a good grip at it. Here’s a few examples of what can be achieved with this library –

AWS Administration

AWS is an immense resource for cloud computing, such that I would never want to buy my own servers. Specially these days when all IoT devices need to be synced constantly round the clock, it makes sense to fall back on serverless applications. To really utilize all of it’s resources to it’s full efficieny, all of it’s components need to working in tandem and fine tuned for your application. I use “Boto3”, a SDK developed by AWS engineers which provides extreme control over all of it’s services.


Solidworks is a great piece of software to design and prototype physical objects. I try to get better at it day by day.